Time Line of Macedonia's History

This is a timeline taken from D. Pandermalis' book MACEDONIA The Historical Profile of Northern Greece. This is an excellent book to get hold of if you wish to learn more about Macedonia.

I. The Early Phase of the Macedonian State

II. Acme of the Macedonian State

III. The Macedonian State Becomes one of the Greek Kingdoms.

IV. Macedonia During the Transitional Phase (167 B.C. to 148 B.C.)

V. Macedonia as a Roman Province.

VI. Macedonia during the Tetrarchate

VII. Macedonia in the 6th c. AD.

VIII. Macedonia in the 10th c. A.D.

IX. Macedonia in the second half of the 13th c. A.D.

X. Macedonia from the Greek War of Independence (1821) to the Liberation (1913).

XI. Macedonia from 1913 to the Present.

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